Sunday, December 16, 2007




A paper online called OBSERVATION by Hanna Pickard raises the ABSTRACT on the perception of one’s body ‘from the inside’ provides one with an awareness of acting, and that this awareness explains a previously overlooked feature of one’s knowledge of one’s own actions. Actions are events: they occur during periods of time. Knowledge of such events must be sensitive to their course through time. Perception of one’s body ‘from the inside’ allows one to monitor one’s actions as they unfold, thereby sustaining one’s knowledge of what one is doing over the period of time in which one is doing

Paneagle discourses on the PROFOUND realization!


OBSERVATION OF ONES ACTION is consciousness, the more applied consciousness implies creativity, or at minimum creative control. Conscious observation implies decision making, choice, and lacks the stubborn loss of will which marks the animated or ‘outer’ controlled conscience. This outer conscience is not in control, and conscience, aka guilt can become a factor in many decisions. This social effect also is implied, and thus avoidance of embarrassment, or fear of loss, control our action. If one observes actions, it becomes a neutral second party observation of self, and the world, and thus self-determining.


Often the act of compliance with stars becomes an act of creativity where we also discover our own will to thrive beyond meer survival. An important side benefit is we discover the nature of survival, that we in fact survive in soul.

This law of relative and association combine like emotion and thought, but does ‘reactive” or non-perceived man see? While he has emotions and thoughts, both emotion and thought are secondary to a prime cause which is Soul. All of this relate to man as physical being, in general, even though one can live without emotion or thought, that in the specific they are natural and inherent to human beings. This all may become and has become necessary in human life, even though downplayed in most human occupations, except the observed purposes, such as in job or work situation. The fact is, Soul can and does exist without thought or emotion, and as long as we are physical only, such as in animals that is purely instinctual. This instinct appears as consciousness, but is rudimentary. Even so animals can act with what appears to be forethought, or recall experience, and act or observe accordingly. Many humans work at near animal or the basic human level, while some animals may exhibit real soulful quality.

This second level of creation raises the bar of observed neutral consciousness, but still works with thought or feeling, but is often non-observant, such as in cause and effect. To this extent, politicians working with self- survival motivation in social context, may only apply reason to physical purposes, group percpetions, and not be in third level or real awareness of whole. This third level is cause and effect, and significantly, relates to the mind above emotion or body needs. This third responsibility level is a perception that may be either dependent on the observation, but not necessarily able to act purely for whole. It will still be working in parts, aware of action, but not necessarily able to change or alter circumstances.

This process of observation is the use of conscious thought, above the dual or awareness separated from cause. Result has effect to change, but is secondary to immediate relationship. Those who realize immediate creative act, find the associations directly, observe life neutrally, relate but do not react, and find the purpose as well as achieve conscious action. They often do not act, and this state of neutral is maintained, because they perceive the actions taken as often karmatic, or pulled to one side, away from the original natural inclination which is soul. This fourth level now receives the impulse for action only from soul, above number one reactive, secondary feeling, or thought, and in pure directed consciousness . This will eventually lead that individual to self realization, and soul liberation, and to those of that group who are of this process developed themselves. Affinity, harmony, acceptance and love will follow.

The co-creative act implied in orginal creation as its purpose for soul realization of pure love, becomes the purpose of divine interaction, and divine intervention, although this is really a secondary cause point, so man is imploded and not inclusive, rather soul is inclusive, and thus finds itself in liberated condition, I.e freedom.

Are we bound to the stars, or the stars bound to us. While human, we will see the affect of worldly and outer conditions, and secondly, see the metaphysical implications, by association, of this relation to things in our world. The individual with the power of creativity can find the affect of becoming cause, and thus begins to see systems and alliances or affinities, but is not free of them. The stars for example may provide points of reference which we use, but we are not affixed beyond them. A common complaint of many is this unusual stuck or co-dependent condition, that the stars rule us. But really we may be the maker of the stars.

How so, we observe, if either the stars and planets so distant, or so largely more powerful than we. Secondly, it is important to see how we observe the stars. A new approach of sol astrology has pointed out the so called secondary sol sign hidden in the original sign position. It is inherent but unseen unless one knows the formula. Once seen, it is suggested the same co-creative empowerment procedes from us, as a new definition of the individual is sought. It is a method which allows us to become more than one sign, and thus not bound to the stars. This implication makes us work to the third level, which is cause and effect, and discover the mental act of observation and discipline. This also is another issue which many wish to avoid, preferring the less complex instinctual or learned response. Seeing it is easier to be controlled than to control.

But the act of observation frees us to responsible cause, and their in a world of responsibility arises, where we act responsible with freedom. New words and a NU soul perception becomes alive. We can use the stars or effects to our advantage, take building blocks and make them stepping stones, and find levels of previously unseen freedom. It is odd that this receptive capacity is actually an active position. The same as the observing soul who is in the physical, or the soul with the body, as we must be to live. It is thus proven that we exist in multiple states, but as humans, are bound to the physical. In fact, the physical is our vehicle to discover soul, and the discovery of soul is our prime purpose. Once this is done, the fourth level as the fourth dimension opens up, and we can use mind, emotion, or body to positive or real effect, and not be bound to karma or effect that is controlled.

This all may be called true nutek, or conscious evolution, leading to the principle or cognizance that is immortal and may even allow physical immortality. The Nutek is one aware of this entirety, and thus inclusive, does not deny psychic, physical, or spiritual, and sees the cycles and specifics of the stars, in time and space, or can work with the eternal non-specific, to maintain state of relative freedom while still alive in the human state. This is the advanced state we are all working towards, with or without consciousness.

We must see the act of stargazers becomes an act of creation, where we observe our life in relation, and then that relation can become primary cause, so we always act in coordination, seeing observation, making the conscious acceptance of cause and effect, and eventually becomes liberated from the world. But this unity is the whole of the third level, and even greater levels are possible. The original act of independence becomes the act of co-working operation, where our individual (soul) and the unified whole (god) work with the spiritual (forces physically) and otherwise transcendent nature. Thus the dual or objectified polarity of the world becomes a unified whole where we see both cause effect and neutrality, and can include all three, so we are no longer effect, nor co-dependent, and we may initiate, or be creative, but only do so with heart or love and purpose, the other trinity, the same for humans as body, emotion, or mind, but now all inclusive, so we may not act in foresight or conscious thought without emotion or physical directive.

Humans, (hu-god) and physical life interact and this is who we are. The act of human love is the greatest of these, often in charity or receptivity, and in compassion , more than actual creation or force.

The use of cycles and star points are references for man, secondary at best, but still tools, like the many other avenues available to us. Inclusively, we must accede to the levels of co-dependent as inter=dependent
and then the inter-dependent as liberating. The stars are tools and bridges, not the least of which sol astrology is motivated to lead us to these observation, and eventual self-creativity. This self-creation is not separated either, as we become unique nonetheless, we also unify, with the spiritual complex as soul, and in this the original creation of existence becomes us, as we become of it.

All this may sound as difficult to grasp as the stars, but really is rather simple, like the turning of a wheel to move an automobile. The conscious relation, in particular of soul, is the soul’s motivated of knowing itself, the stars are often a first bridge, inspiring emotion and feeling, by relative thought, and the second is the bridge of mind to soul. These two main bridges, are the way, which leads to the way being itself, for the conscious soul. We may find the creation of our career, relationships, and life mission, which the stars must have some relation to define. Once we define it, the rest becomes a simple act of carrying out, using observation and neutral relating, to see the necessity or function of the spirit in our moment to moment, and in the process of our current life.

This lifetime is a soul evolution,with a purpose of inevitable liberation, from the world, and conditionality. The conditions become secondary to the creative nature, and the creative nature is to realize ourselves. We are the co-creator of our world. Sol signs allows us to see the first bridge and often the second. We become aware of an inner and outer self, and the relation, and this cognition is original creation. The second effect is the worldly action we take in accord with it. This being usually to be either among other of this affinity and perception, or at least to act within it among the people or the world. Finding a purpose such as job or love is to make some inroads to this final state. It is not for the job or love life itself, but must be included. Then our love or career all seem to integrate and this integration is a state of joy.

Flight is an ancronym for fully integrated honesty. If we FuLly InteGrate HonesTly, we shall find the wholeness of being, and neutral observation is the first step. Second our abilities talents and purposes of past karma in experience come to a fruition, like the fruit of a tree. Our positions in the stars make sense, and we become possessed as it were of this conscious evolution. Conscious evolution in our life is both aware of living in the world environmentally at cause, and responsibly make choices. We see needs and assess how or what to do, in relative ratiocination, that is reasonable and relative to them, our actions take on conscious elements, without need often of reward or gratitude, yet we receive and gain often without direct coordination, that is the spirit provides us, and life gives to us its’ succor and value. This is true
Self fulfilling prophecy, not the secondary effect.

We reach primary cause, and original purpose. Sol astrology is no more ultimate than the science or education of itself, but it can be a tool. The secondary tool of mind or heart also serve then the higher purpose. Making the bridge is our goal, and once on the way, all must move in accord with it.

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