Sunday, December 16, 2007


IT HAS BEEN SHOWS MONKEYS ARE MORE LIKE HUMANS when we take language away, as humans math skills were evaluated as equal to college students. We score more "like
monkeys in terms of performance." This week's report signals how language and understanding of words is so vital. Those with the largest vocabulary have better chance of success.

People following the stars can often be like monkey see, monkey do. An oddity of the mind is its' habituality, and we set patterns of action and reaction through thoughts that actually form the brain into deep grooves. Sadness or lack of attention is as much caught as taught. No wonder a college degree does not equate to job opportunity. So often what is available is limited by the public perception and human level of operations. If a monkey can do it, then maybe we don't need to work. Alas, math ruled economics, not wordsmiths, rules the day, and people need jobs.

Can Astrology help people find better careers. Not if they only follow the stars, without using them. Paneagle knows the school of stars is one of hard locks where many feel compelled by their signs and not cause of them. If we reverse this view to what may be terms the pure positive, hence the proactive or self initiative person finds his signs and uses them, sees current aspects and best productivity, evaluates and finds keywords or key focus points which direct his actions, not from without, which the stars are, but from within. This coordination is a consciousness that also has a conscience, sees cause and effect, has less limited values, and will rise above conditions or circumstances as well as personal problems, or can use them like the building block to become a stepping stone.

The act of observation in monkeys is what made them equal in math skills. PURE POSITIVE and SOL ASTROLOGY developed only upon self-active investigation. The act of seeing ourselves in relation to life, and making ourselves coordinated, not just automatic, raises us above monkeys. But we also love them, and see the are equals, at least in the eyes of Soul. This love of all life accepts each thing as it is. The monkey man is fun, and the sol man is just as much fun, especially when he can use words to make jokes. So keep laughing. In life, humans are the monkey in the middle between life and spirit, between the physical world and our spiritual selves, but it's interesting, it's a school, and life is for learning. Watch those mental habits. They can be deceiving and play on our mind. Just like a monkey.

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